Explore the love potential of each star sign in this fun, sexy new book!

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A word from the Author

Hi! I am Linda Shaw 

Welcome to my website. I am an author, speaker and teacher. I write horoscopes for assorted magazines and speak about astrology and spirituality. 

I teach intimacy, better sex, astrology, numerology, tarot and healing – and I’m a reiki master. I also have a range of crystal energy jewellery that I sell online. 

My new book, HOROSCOPE HOTTIES serves as the introduction to a set of webinars and talks about intimacy and better relationships. I think we can all learn to be better lovers – and if we can’t all be Beethoven, at least we can all learn to play the piano. 

I was inspired to write my book by a woman who told me she was leaving her boyfriend because, although she loved him, he was hopeless in bed and she kept trying to avoid having sex with him. I thought this was a terrible shame – and I realized I could help people become better lovers, using astrology as a fun springboard. 

I was born in Wales, UK. My father believed the family would fossilize if they stayed in one country for longer than two years. So I spent much of my young life packing suitcases.

I now live in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I regularly appear on radio and television.

Linda Shaw Online

Whatever your social media habits are, Linda has got you covered! Explore Linda Shaw Online by clicking on the links below and following Linda on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.

Linda also has a very active YouTube Channel where she shares weekly Horoscope Updates according to your specific Zodiac sign and even answers questions in the comments section!

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